
最新发布歌词: The Chicken Circus / チキンサーカス歌词
❀ 王若琳 个人简介:
- I Blame it on You / あなたのせい
- The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy / バーニーの大冒険
- The Revenge of the Farm Animals / 家畜の大リベンジ
- The Adventure Comes to an End / 冒険のエピローグ
- The Chicken Circus / チキンサーカス
- You've Got a Friend
- You've Got a Friend (Acoustic Version)
- Chitterchat (Reprise) / うわさ话(重奏)
- The Bug / バグ
- You've Got a Friend (Acoustic version)
- Only Child / ひとりっ子
- Plotting Revenge / 复习
- Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head
- We’ve Only Just Begun
- We Just Won't Know / みんなの孤独
- Chitterchat / うわさ话
- Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My...
- I Guess I'm Paranoid
- Wild World (Acoustic Version)
- Apathy / 无関心
- 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
- You And Me
- The Fool / 马鹿
- Wild World(Acoustic Version)
- Maybe Some Other Time (中文版)
- I'm pathetic enough
- Stay (Acoustic Version)
- Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head
- Stages Of Flying
- New York State Of Mind
- Lemon Tree (Ot: Lemon Tree)
- As Love Begins To Mend
- Maybe Some Other Time (英文版)
- You'Ve Got A Friend
- Stay (Acoustic version)
- Can't Take My Eyes Off You (新歌)
- Lemon Tree (中文版)
- Let's Start From Here
- Lost In Paradise
- The Best Mistake I've Ever Made
- Tikiville (英文版)
- 科学方法
- 每天开卡车
- 青少年宣言
- Blackbird
- Bad moon rising
- Yesterday
- Desperado
- 穿越时空爱上你
- Let's Start From Here
- For No Reason
- Now
- New York State of Mind
- True
- 有你的快乐
- Ways to Leave Your Lover
- 迷宮
- Lost in Paradise
- Bada Bada
- The Best Mistake I've Ever Made
- Stages of Flying
- Lost Taipei
- Joanna Wang - True
- Longing for Romance
- I Guess I'm Paranoid
- Maybe some other time
- Aubrey
- Tikiville
- How I Feel About Businessmen
- His Remedy
- I'm Pathetic Enough
- Palpitation
- Man
- Even If We Did
- 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
- 我的爱
- 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你
- Nobody's a Nun
- Vincent
- Thoughts of a Teacher(Hidden track)
- Maybe some other time (英语)
- His Remedy (英语)
- Aubrey (英语)
- Tikiville (中文版)
- Times of your life (英语)
- Tikiville (英语)
- I'm Pathetic Enough (英语)
- We've Only Just Begun
- Classic aftertaste Joanna (迷宫+I Love You+有你的快乐+夜来香)
- Longing For Romance (英语)
- Adult Crap (英语)
- I Guess I'm Paranoid (英语)
- How I Feel About Businessm
- Man (英语)
- Even If We Did (英语)
- Palpitation (英语)
- Nobody's A Nun (英语)
- How I Feel About Businessmen (英语)
- Vincent (英语)
- Just The Two Of Us
- Times of Your LifeHot
- VincentHot
- Can't Take My Eyes Off YouHot
- 迷宫
- 因为你爱我
- Times of Your Life
- Classic Aftertaste Joanna
- Can't Take My Eyes off You
- That's All
- 夜来香
- 一种念头
- 爱我的请举手
- Adult Crap
- Physical
- I Love You(OT: Ai Hen Jian Dan)
- You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
- You Spin Me Round
- Sally's Song
- You Make My Dreams
- The Fool
- Plotting Revenge
- The Adventures of Bernie the S
- Apathy
- Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head
- As Love Begins to Mend
- 让我们从这里开始
- I Blame it on You
- The Bug
- We Just Won't Know
- The Revenge of the Farm Animal
- Chitterchat
- Only Child
- 三个人的晚餐
- 一生守候
- Stay
- Wild World
- Raindrops Keep Fallin'on My Head
- Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
- The Adventure Comes to an End
- You've Got A Friend
- Time In A Bottle
- The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy
- Dirty Work
- Lemon Tree
- The Things We Do For Love
- 偿还
- Garden Party on Mars
- The Antagonist
- Chitterchat TV Theme
- Evil Nerd Theme
- Coins
- You and Me
- 亲密爱人
- Moon River
- Remote Control
- Enlightenment
- Pressure's On Me Space Saloon Theme
- Galaxy Crisis
- An Audience with the King
- You Only Live Twice
- What is a Youth
- 花样年华
- 当年情
- 被遗忘的时光
- Alice in Wonderland
- In the Mood for Love
- 今宵多珍重
- If I Had Words
- Forgotten Times
- The Scent of Roses
- The Dream Chaser (OT: Tian Ruo You Qing)
- 玫瑰香
- 追梦人
- Pure Imagination
- This Precious Night
- Liquified Cheese
- I'm F**ked!
- I Don't Give A Hoot
- I Love You
- Night Shanghai
- Love from Once Upon a Time (OT: Dang Nian Qing)
- 夜上海
- Spanish Flea
- Whip Out The Shampoo
- Everything Anything
- Now We're Together Forever And Always
- Feet
- When I Nod
- 哈喽安娘
- 青少女巡逻队
- I Knew It, I Swear!
- Ain't She Sweet
- Simply Nothing You Can Do
- Teenager Statement
- The Scientific Method
- Truckin' Everyday
- The Greatest Stink
- The Art of Bullying
- When You Dream in Technicolor
- Isn't It Exciting?
- Isn't It Exciting
- 好时光
- Liar
- The Rightful Heir
- Meanest Kids in Town
- Run Away From Home!
- My Belly Really Aches
- The Cult Leader
- Inside the Mind of a Chicken
- Pick of the Litter
- Senile Rock
- Mom and Dad Don't Understand
- Scary Cousins
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