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❀ 16mins 个人简介:

      16分钟是一支生活在北京的独立乐队,一支高度混血却彼此达到高度文化认同的乐队,风格鲜明却难以归类。由来自新疆的思雨Sindy(主唱/鼓)、来自新西兰的刘人友Robin(吉他)和来自德国的通知通Kalimero(贝司/键盘)组成。2014下半年,乐队签约战马时代。16分钟乐队的音乐并不受限于传统的乐器配置,也真正的兼具独创性和强大的现场张力。两男一女来自三个不同国家的华人组成的16分钟,东方和西方的文化差异与认同都自然融进他们的文化血液之中,这也将是未来中国独立音乐的一个有趣的生态现象。 获得过的奖项: 1. Yamaha 亚洲节拍全国季军,最佳主唱,最佳吉他手,最佳原创。 2. CRI the soundstage 2013年度最佳女歌手。 3. 被北京最大的外国杂志The Beijinger 选为最佳乐队之一。 重要演出经历: 2014/06 中法夏至音乐日 2015/04《野鸟集: 春雷初响》 音乐会 2015/04 网易《有态度戏剧论坛》 2015/04 澳洲后摇乐队Sleepmakeswaves中国巡演北京场暖场嘉宾 2015/04 影响城市之声战马时代专场 Selected as one of the best bands by magazine The Beijinger, 16mins is not just an indie alternative band but more like a hybrid cross-cultural one. The members are from three different countries, Siyu from Xinjiang and Robin from New Zealand, lately Kalimero from Germany joined the band and brought a new set of skills that finally allows the band approaching their music from a unique aesthetic. It’s hard to define what kind of music style that 16Mins belongs to, it could be Electro, retro, free improv, Xingjiang folklore, or fusion, which makes 16mins sound highly original with unusual arrangement and musical tension. In 2013, band’s vocal Siyu has won the best female singer of CRI the soundstage. In 2014, 16Mins singed onto Stallion Era, the first world music and cross over music label in China. Their first album will be released soon in 2015.


其它歌手专栏: 赵纹龙 张战东 赵燕国彰 朱松柏

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