




❀ 枪击泼辣 个人简介:

      一组鼓、一把吉他、一把贝斯、一支麦克风、一个三重奏形式基础的乐团。 拍子,放枪只是一种游戏。旋律,没有妥协过,只想一直挑战听众的底限。最后,搭配在快炒店里面写出来的歌词。搞砸?对,或许这是一种寻找未知的方法。一切只是从单纯的练团中,意外地发现了彼此最黑暗的一面,複杂中但却可以找到彼此逻辑,或是浅意识?目前都还不明了。 但是,一上台,某种东西就上身了。 Guntzepaula is a trio with a set of drums, a guitar, a bass, and a mic. The way they release their beats is a way they play (play in the sense of musically and amusingly). As for their rhythms, there is no compromise. The point is to push the listeners to the extreme. Lastly, the above elements are accompanied by lyrics written at a local Taiwanese stir-fry beer joint. WTF? Yes, perhaps. Maybe this is just a way to search for the unknown. One day, the dark sides in the three members of the trio aligned, and in the midst of the chaos, they have managed to sort out some logic and unveil each other’s subliminal minds. The answer is still out there. But, once on stage, a force takes over them, possesses them.


其它歌手专栏: 赵纹龙 张战东 赵燕国彰 朱松柏

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