Mad August

Mad August的图片

姓名:Mad August


最新发布歌词: The Concert歌词

❀ Mad August 个人简介:

      Make A Difference The band was formed in August 24th (2011) and the band’s name was derived from their critical decision in the month of August, whether to pursue their dreams in music scene or to stay ordinary as others. The concept behind the name “MAD” is actually an abbreviation of a philosophical slogan – “Make A Difference”. It pledges that everyone can make a difference in life, even with a least of strength. The main principles of the band’s initial “MAD” includes creative, peace & environmental caring. The word “August” which in numeric 8 - refers to success, opportunity & strength. We create an icon via music as a medium to manifest this ideology. This icon is a leader, an image, and a symbol of encouragement about living life to its fullness with courage.

Mad August演唱的歌曲歌词大全

其它歌手专栏: 赵纹龙 张战东 赵燕国彰 朱松柏

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