Chui Wan

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姓名:Chui Wan



❀ Chui Wan 个人简介:

      乐队最初由闫玉龙和吴琼组建,随后吉他手刘心宇和鼓手John Vincent Marrett加入。 2010年开始在D-22燥眠夜演出,闫、刘也各自有其他音乐计划。 11年9月Vincent回国,Josh Feola加入,后于12年年底退出。13年李子超加入乐队。 四名成员音乐趣味各不相同,迷幻为其交集。即兴中碰撞并采编成曲,在新迷幻摇滚中加入了其他元素。 “吹万”二字取于庄子的《齐物论》。 2012年11月,乐队的首张全长录音室专辑《白夜》由兵马司唱片发行。该唱片位列于国内各大音乐杂志的年度十大,部分甚至将其放在榜首,国外乐评网站也未吝啬于他们的好评。如Aquarius Records 所言,乐队可能是代表了中国地下新音乐场景中'怪异"的那一面。同期他们与Psychic Ills(纽约)进行了“迷幻中国”巡演,包括香港和澳门。 2013年3月,乐队受邀携唱片进行欧洲巡演。年底,他们同Snapline联合策划了名为“飞行器原理与非物论”的舞台剧式演出。 进入2014年,他们为新专辑所准备的歌曲已基本就绪。9月的欧洲巡演结束后,乐队将马上开始新专辑的录制。 现任成员: 闫玉龙-主唱/吉他/键盘/提琴 刘心宇-吉他/打击 吴琼-贝斯/主唱 李子超-鼓 Chui Wan bring two apparently opposed concepts together; they play accesible, uncomplicated experimental psychedelic rock. This opens up their light but decisive sounds to a much wider audience than this genre usually would. Chui Wan are the driving force behind the recent revival of experimental and psychedelic music in the Chinese underground. During 2012, shortly after being discovered and signing with Maybe Mars, Chui Wan’s popularity skyrocketed in the entire country and international bookers started to show interest. In November of the same year, Chui Wan also released their debut album “White Night”, which has already received many positive reviews. In no time, Chui Wan has become one of the most acclaimed avant-garde underground bands of Beijing, praised by Chinese and international industry insiders. Through their live shows, Chui Wan speak volumes of wisdom and demonstrate a mature sensitivity combined with a childish playfulness, which offer a new, perhaps Chinese, take on psychedelic rock. In March 2013, Chui Wan presented “White Night” on a tour through Europe, which took them to Helsinki, Stockholm and Paris, amongst others.

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