AJ (左治)

AJ (左治)的图片

姓名:AJ (左治)



❀ AJ (左治) 个人简介:

      AJ,澳门歌手,出生和长大于澳门的AJ在学校学习葡萄牙文,同时亦以广东话与家人和朋友沟通,可见AJ一直在两种截然不同的文化中成长。其后于澳洲墨尔本进修更进一步拓阔他的视野及加深对不同的文化的认识。因此AJ很希望将自己与众不同的生活背景和成长经历融入他的音乐,树立独特的个人风格。 从AJ的崇拜偶像类型可以凡知他偏好多元化以及创新灵活的音乐风格,其中佼佼者有如香港乐坛神级歌手-容祖儿及陈奕迅,台湾知名创作型男-王力宏,国际流行天后Beyoncé、Christina Aguilera 及Jessie J.等等。AJ希望可以从偶像们的演出和歌曲中找到共鸣,并以他们为自身奋斗的目标,寻求突破自己的法门。 「二十二岁的那年,我第一次踏上舞台,参与澳洲墨尔本大学中华音乐社的音乐剧演出。「自此之后,我爱上了舞台,爱上了唱歌。其后我更参加了2010年TVB全球华人新秀歌唱大赛(墨尔本站),此举不但丰富了我的舞台经验,更令我肯定自己对音乐的热忱和坚持。」 「自在澳洲毕业回流澳门后,真正让我接触音乐演出表演的机会其实不多,直至遇上了他们 - 澳门歌手罗嘉豪先生和监制及音乐人吴国恩。他们二人令我再次能踏上舞台,增加不同的舞台经验,拓阔更大的视野。这两位伯乐为我的音乐事业带来曙光,有赖他们的帮助,我才能再次踏足舞台和获得不同程度的曝光和演出经验。我有今天的小小成绩,他们两位实在居功不少,在此我亦衷心向两位致谢。我承诺在未来的日子里,我会秉承自己的音乐理想,坚守本份,即使只有一位观众欣赏,我也会继续力求突破,务求为澳门的本地音乐作出贡献,让大家看到一个不一样的AJ,为澳门本地音乐努力。」 “I was 22 when I first performed live in front of an audience, participating in a Musical Production with the Chinese Music Group at the University of Melbourne, Australia” AJ says. “Since then I have fallen in love with the stage and singing. Participating in the International Chinese New Talent Singing Championship 2010 (Melbourne Region) has further enhanced by staging experience as a singer and performer, and affirmed my determination and love for music”. Born and grown in Macau, studying Portuguese at school yet speaking Cantonese with families and friends at home, AJ has received influences of both cultures. Studying in Melbourne has further exposed him to different cultural insights, and AJ wishes to bring these unique experiences and backgrounds into his songs. A fan of diverse artists such as Joey Yung, Eason Chan, Lee-Hom, Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera and Jessie J, AJ is hoping to resonate some of their styles and most loved songs and performances. “After returning to Macau, I have not encountered major singing opportunities until meeting with Macau Singer Lo Ka Hou (Hyper), and Musician and Producer Ung Kuoc Ian. These two have provided me with hopes of standing again on the stage for a different sort of experience and exposure. I sincerely thank you both for everything. I wish to keep singing as long as there is still 1 audience appreciating my performance. I will strive for improvement and to discover a different self while working with local musicians.”

AJ (左治)演唱的歌曲歌词大全

其它歌手专栏: 赵纹龙 张战东 赵燕国彰 朱松柏

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